Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Things I've Come to Miss About the USA

  1. Having One Faucet. This makes it possible to have hot, cold or WARM water. I hate having only scalding hot water to wash my face at night or to do dish with. It hurts my skin. 
  2. Having Hot Showers in Hotels. It seems to be a gamble anywhere I've been in Europe and the UK if I will or won't have a hot shower from the start or even half way through. 
  3. Continental Breakfasts. This seems to be a nearly nonexistent feature in Europe. However, there was one hostel in Belfast, Ireland that made you eggs, bacon, beans and toast for breakfast. They get 2 thumbs up. 
  4. Getting to Talk to People in Real Time. Being six hours ahead of Wisconsin makes it very hard to talk to anyone for long periods of time, let alone at all some days. 
  5. My Cats. Once you get used to waking up with your legs asleep from them sleeping on you, you will understand. 
  6. Driving. It's been weird having to try to remember which side of the road cars will be coming from when I travel. I can't even imagine how stressful it may be to drive again after four months. 
  7. Buffalo Wild Wings. I feel like this one is pretty self explanatory. If you have ever eaten here you should understand. 
  8. Cooking Meals. The kitchen I share here with 3 other people (really only like 2 because my American flat mate doesn't spend time in there either) makes it impossible to do anything. The girls from Spain leave their dirty dishes all over the counter, in front of the microwave and in the sink. They leave oil in a bowl next to the stove and don't clean the stove when they spill the oil all over it. It is nearly impossible to do anything but use the microwave and my one shelf in the fridge which is only a 4.2 cubic fridge in the first place. They also never take out the trash so the kitchen smells awful. (see pictures below)
  9. Talking to People on the Phone. I feel like the first time I go to class someone it's going to be so bizarre, my head may explode. Skype is my only form of communication now days. 
  10. Real Dishes. The first week I was here I bought a set of plastic silver wear, dishes, cups and bowls that little kids would use. I miss using forks that poke lettuce and knives that cut food instead of just moving it around the plate. 
  11. My Closet. Its hard to go somewhere and look 'nice' when you're entire wardrobe for 4 months and every weather option possible (and yes I have seen rain, snow, hail, sunshine all in one day in about an hour) all needs to fit into one suitcase. 
  12. Getting Mail. I don't even get bills or junk mail here. It's depressing.
  13. Squirrels. I think they're extinct here. Seriously. All I have seen is murderous, large, ugly birds.
    The stove which never gets cleaned

    The garbage in the kitchen, which my
    roommates never take out even though
    99% of it is theirs.
    Our sink which is always full of their
    dishes so I can't clean mine.

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