Sunday, October 2, 2011

The 'L' Word

The word 'love' is one that makes each person feel something different. To me, the word love can be defined by butterflies, kisses on the forehead, holding hands, slow dancing without music, candle lit bubble baths, phone calls for no reason, kissing in public and holding each other at night. I find it fascinating that people struggle so much to tell the person that's making them feel this way that they think they love them. Let's be honest here, if you were dealing with a person you didn't get a long with you'd have no problem getting up in their face and telling them to piss off. But when it's someone that means the world to you, you hesitate. You choke. You wait for them to [hopefully] say it first.

Until when?

What kind of occurrences must happen in order for you to think--THIS IS IT. This is my moment to tell him all the ways hes been making me feel? That every time I see I have a text from him I can't wipe the smile off my face? That when he kisses my forehead and squeezes me tight that I feel like I'm going to be carried away from all the butterflies in my stomach? That when I zone out and get that dreamland-look in my eyes it's because I'm thinking about us on a beach in some far away tropical place--feet in the water--rings on our fingers? That that stupid grin I get on my face in public when he reaches for my hand is really because of him, not because the woman in front of us wearing something ridiculous.

So then you think about it more...are you really in love with this other person or are they just that much better than the last jerk you dated?

And then finally it happens. Your heart and your brain have argued enough over these feelings that you have finally let your heart win. Yes, you're in love. But, this isn't where the problem ends. Now that you're convinced, yes you are in love with this other person. He or she is so special to you and you want nothing more than to be with them but now that you're convinced you ARE going to tell them--you still don't know how to tell them. So you go and talk to every friend of yours. You tell them how you feel about your other half. You ask them what they think you should do. They give you an answer that makes perfect sense but then you go talk to the rest of your friends until every person knows you're in love--except for the person you're in love with.

Then he does something simple. Something Romantic. Something so unlike every other guy. So like him. And the words flow from your mouth without a thought.

I. Love. You.

And his response comes just as effortlessly.

I love you too. 

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