Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Hunter's Journey

Hunter. The new addition to my family.
I woke up to a text from my boyfriends mom. "Boy does your cat have a story. Call me when you get this." This was not the day to get a text from his mom saying anything remotely along these lines. She'd dropped Hunter off at the vet earlier this morning to get spayed and to get her front claws out--the last steps in making her our domesticated house pet. 

I called his mom on my way to class. 

She started the story off by telling me how she'd gotten a call from the vet this morning saying when they shaved Hunter's tummy to open her up, there was already a scar on her stomach--looking like she'd already been spayed. I instantly thought to myself, that's impossible. Hunter is less than a year old and is a stray. My boyfriend's mom was right there with me, not skipping a beat. She'd asked the vet to make sure it was the right cat. Twice. It was. 

The veterinarian decided to take a shot in the dark and wand the cat to see if there was anything else he could determine about our new and interesting pet. By using the wand, he found that our cat had a micro chip and was registered a family in Arizona. 

By the time he'd called my boyfriend's mom to tell her all of this, he'd already contacted the people who had owned Hunter before. Their story went something like this: They'd both gotten called for active duty in the army and put their pets up for sale on Craig's List. Hunter was sold shortly after that to another family in Arizona. The family who'd listed her had no idea how Hunter had made it from a household in Arizona to being a stray more than half way across the United States in just a few months. 

My boyfriend and I have no idea what our kitty went through on her way to us, but after showing up on our doorstep this summer, it's obvious that this Hunter's journey from Arizona to Wisconsin brought her to exactly where she needed to be.

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